Monday, March 31, 2008

McCain Girl is Pissed!

Oh dear:

I'm still not convinced that this isn't a joke. Even though she does seem really pissed that people think it's ridiculous. But really, there are so many obviously bad things in the video! If you could go to the trouble of raining McCain images, why can't you go to the trouble of having Debbie's thighs not blend into the screen?

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Failures of Online Ads

I logged in today to look at this article about Kathy Lee returning to daytime TV on NBC's Today Show. I actually didn't read the article, I just wanted to see what she looked like. Well, here's the answer to that:

Fine, she looks fine. BUT HOLY SHIT WHEN YOU LET THE WHOLE PAGE LOAD. Just let this image wash over you first.

What the fuck is up with online advertising? Placing images inline to article is a great way to get people to notice your ads (which I totally ignore but use as page marker for me when I scroll up). Unfortunately, at first, it looks like an image in the article. It also doesn't help that she looks like Kathy Lee.

Well, Dermitage, great ad. I think you do something. What is it? It's either you're going to fix this horrifying monster's face or you make people look so disfigured passing people on the street will look away in disgust so that they'll never notice how wrinkled you are.


Friday, March 28, 2008

How Hillary Remembers It

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Clintons: Giving Us An Unenthusiastic Reach Around

BILL CLINTON HATES CHILDREN!!! Look at how Bill Clinton attacks that sweet, stern looking lesbian about his actions against the gay community.

This video brings up a good question and is one of the fundamental reasons why I support Barack Obama. Bill Clinton (and Hillary) argue that the Defense of Marriage Act was the necessary thing to do at the time to protect gay people. Bill here argues that the other option was a constitutional amendment.

Now, no lie, I was really young when he signed that bill. But the whole idea of a federal constitutional amendment didn't really gain traction and credibility until Bush. This seems to me that Bill and Hill are trying to meld two different points in time together and claim some sort of time warp in LGBT history.

Unfortunately, to protect themselves politically and appeal to us 'mos, they have to say that one of the most anti-gay bills in history was to protect us from our selves. The Defense of Marriage act did more than prevent states from having recognize other state's gay marriages, it prevented the federal government from having to recognize them either. This locked us out of all federal benefits (social security!) and other rights conferred by the federal government (immigration!).

Hillary states she wants to repeal parts of DOMA and Obama says repeal the whole damn thing. It's like being fucked unwillingly in the ass while getting a sort of limp reach around. The Clintons are going to get off in us (get our vote) while limply making us get off as well ("We do what's best for you, now stay quiet you nasty bottom!"). As someone in a relationship with a foreigner who will be forced to leave the country soon because I can't sponsor his Visa, I can't side with the someone who says basically it was the best option and now the best option is pick a few things out of it but to leave it largely intact.

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Monday, March 24, 2008


From Joe.My.God

Rich People and the New York Times Style

I have this on-going love-hate relationship with New York Times. I love the paper for the most part, but I deeply hate the Sunday and Thursday Styles. It does two things make my skin crawl:
1) Figures youth trends out about a year late
2) Focuses on the ridiculous upper class

The first one I can let slide. It's kind of cute sometimes when they point out that mustaches are popular again about a year after that was true as well as neglecting to point out the asshole factor in all that. It reminds me of my parents using the word "Cool." You know they're trying but it just feels forced.

The thing that really makes me angry is their insistence on focusing on white, wealthy Manhattanites. There has been a long line of their societal "observations" which invariably feel like a debutant past her prime polling her friends during tea.

"Betsy, you really gave up work to be with your children!? That's fantastic!"

"Yes Mitzy, you know me, always wanting to be with my children."

"Oh, I feel like the silly feminists just didn't get it. This is my choice to be with my family, you know?"

"I know! And the fact that you have Juanita to help you out, it's like two mothers for your babies!"

"Exactly! It's fabulous. Really. And Juanita has finally stopped asking time off to take care of her gazillion children."

The only mothers who voluntarily stop working are the rich women who have that choice, especially as we slide into recession.

What really pushed me over the top this weekend was the article, "You Say Recession, I Say ‘Reservations!’" The article is about how some New Yorkers feel good about that fact that some people are losing their jobs at Bear Stearns, perhaps meaning people can afford houses with more rooms but-- more importantly to the New York Times-- you can get a dinner reservation!!! They then imply the average New Yorker who makes $46,480 a year should be terrified that the people making "seven- and eight-figure salaries" are going to leave the city.

I understand there are a lot of intricacies to the economy, and people losing their jobs at one firm doesn't mean the whole city will now be economically equitable. But the New York Times does a great job at chastising anyone who feels excited about that possibility. They draw frightening parallels to the 90's, 80's and 70's recessions that hit New York. What will we all do if, oh my god, middle income people start buying apartments in the city!!! They could be even be living RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO YOU.

This is, of course, great for most New Yorkers except for the Bear Sterners (who will probably be able to find another job, though they may take a huge hit and make only six figures) and Brokers (who should mostly all be shot). Here is the crux of their argument though:
That’s why the troubles at Bear Stearns are a mixed blessing for New York’s lower ranks. The same masters of the universe who have made housing so expensive have beefed up the tax base, its sanitation services and its police force. They have, in many ways, underwritten the “new” New York City of the late 1990s and 2000s, defined by pristine parks and low murder rates.
Right. There is no argument that the richest people in New York pay more in taxes, in straight dollar amounts, than the rest of us. But, you know what, I sincerely doubt they pay more percentage-wise of their income to taxes. And let's not forget in Bush's America the tax cuts go to the rich in the form of taxes on investments being reduced or removed. The percent that people in the seven to eight figure income range pay in taxes is going to be less than what I pay. But this also ignoring that if housing becomes more attainable, maybe people who live in public housing will see the opportunity for housing open up for them, thus increasing their children's since of stability, perhaps raising their chances in life and reducing the possibility they'll turn to crime.

The tax base will have trouble when there are lay offs of the rich, on a huge huge scale. But I sincerely doubt there will be enough to make a huge difference. And don't forget, if the taxes on the rich go up, they'll leave New York City (right mayor Bloomburg!?).

But that's unlikely. Were exactly will they be going? Europe? You think that the taxes in Europe are less than they are here? I don't think so. What will make them leave, though, is if our economy keeps going in the shitter. And maybe, you know, they'd stick around longer if health insurance was paid for by the state instead of private employers. Or, better yet, they might stick around here if buying a place to live was cheaper.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Raining McCain Video

The last minute of this is brilliant.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Music: Josh Maus

Josh Maus is a dark lo-fi electronic artist whose music I cannot find ANYWHERE. The first song I heard was this one, which I found on a random blog somewhere. I cannot stop listening to it.

So you can check out his website here. You can find a few random things about him on myspace. He has a label, mysteriously in the UK (he lives in minnesota). You could buy his album there, but since the GBP is now like 15 times the dollar, I don't recommend it.

After googling him (makes me think i fingered him somehow) I found a few more songs. They're not quite as great as the one before:
My Whole World Is Coming Apart.mp3
Don't Be a Body.mp3
Just Wait Till Next Year.mp3

So he's also hot. I try to judge musicians solely on their music, like the pixies, but i'm kind of a developing a weird 10 year old girl's crush on him. Check out his extensive wardrobe: vneck, vneck, vneck and vneck.

I can't find him on eMusic, itunes, btjunkie or mininova which means I can't have his album and I'm bummed. I'm up for suggestions oh how to get his album (NOT ORDERING IT!).

Oh, and here is this jesus video:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fuck ya!

Battlestar Galactica New Series!

By the way, take a look at that Wired photo. Do all of the people in that panel look uncomfortable as hell? Perhaps that's what it's like to discuss the last regular job you'll ever probably ever have.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Response to Pablito

This is my response to Pablito's post on Porno in light of Obama's Speech on Race:

Interracial Bust Stop Orgies
I think this video is clearly tackling the issue of busing in public schools.
So when they are told to bus their children to a school across town; when they hear that an African American is getting an advantage in landing a good job or a spot in a good college because of an injustice that they themselves never committed
This is all about white anger, Pablito. She's angry about busing and so she, well, gets peed on.

My Daughter's F*cking Blackzilla 6
Okay, well, this is one is also really obvious.
I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.
Why did she fear black men on the street, Pablito? Blackzilla.

Honey, We Blew Up Your P*ssy 9
This movie is less obvious.
These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love.

Booty Annihilators 2
It's the opportunities for people who would want to annihilate a booty, Pablito, that is important.
I will never forget that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible.

Magic Sticks 'N White Tricks 2
Okay, so magic sticks and white tricks is all about how white, hetero men use trickery and beating us with their magic sticks to get ahead!
Like the anger within the black community, these resentments aren't always expressed in polite company.
Exactly, they express it through video.

Terrible Teens 5
Pablito, remember back to our young days. Remember what you did to me?
in which your dreams come at my expense

Vacuum Hoes 8: Young Amateurs
All i gotta say is:
I am here because of Ashley.

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Let's try this again and see what happens.
