Monday, February 13, 2006


Valentine's Day sucks. Yes, everyone knows that. Yes, it's what you make of it. Yes, it's just a consumerist holiday meant to bring Hallmark cash. I don't necessarily disagree with these things. But Valentine's Day also functions as a more wrenching form of the ostracism single people already feel. I've never really dated anyone on V-Day, so I consider my experiences with 23 single V-Days to be a pretty good survey of what it's like. Highlights of past V-Days:
  • Getting Drunk
  • Going to Hooters
  • Masturbating
  • Crying (primarily High School)
  • Eating Candy (< 16 Years Old)
  • Eating Candy and Crying (> 17 Years Old)
  • Ignoring it while secretly crying on the inside
See, none of these are better than the average Valentine's Day: Eating and Fucking. Though, I've only heard that's what Valentine's Day is about.

V-Day can also be painfully awkward. Consider if you are in a new, thus-far0undefined relationship. V-Day helps make clearer if that person takes it and you seriously. Since I'm getting drunk with my single friends on Valentine's, you can't take that to mean what you will about my current "guy friend." Kind of depressing.

Coincidentally, I started listening to the band Suicide right around Valentine's Day (such good timing on my part). I've also been listening to the newest Hidden Camera's album, which is basically a really vulgar and gay Belle and Sebastian. My favorite song, "In the Union of Wine," is about a gay fucking a straight who's really drunk. The Hidden Camera's are a great band and it's a shame I don't like them more considering they have songs about anal sex and peeing on people. That's what Valentine's Day is all about.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Music Reviews

My friend, Jason, has a blog dedicated to talking about and reviewing movies. His blog has a purpose, a focus, something that really pulls it together. I don't. I have stuff on sleeping pills and gay sex. So, I thought I would have an entry that was about music since I did that once already. For this one, I'll review a bunch of albums at once without really commenting on the substance of each album.

and Sebastian: the life pursuit
I think the life pursuit of the people in b+s is to slowly progress through the decades. They started off in the 60's, made about 5 albums in that decade, and just now got into the mid-70's with their new album. This album is a drastic improvement over the 12 track shit-fest Dear Catastrophe Waitress, but it still leaves you thinking about how good the 60's were, before that whole oil crisis. I'm really excited for Belle and Sebastian's coked up, post-punk, new wave album.

We Are Scientists: With Love and Squalor

A J.D. Salinger reference makes up for our complete lack of insight, creativity and talent!

Tom Vek: We Have Sound

This is an amazing ratio: one good song for every five. The two best tracks are If I Had Changed My Mind and I Ain't Saying My Goodbyes, so if you see it on iTunes, just buy those two. Or, better yet, you could just buy a Beck album.

Beck- Guerlito

This is not the Beck album you, or anyone, should buy.

Film School- Film School

This is a really really boring album. You could say naming your band after something more pretentious than being in a rock band is a bad idea but I actually believe making an album that sounds like boring background music for a boring film school project is a worse idea.

Morningwood- Morningwood

Hahaha, you get it? Morningwood? Wood? Wood is slang for erection. Morning is when most men have an erection. Morningwood! Funny. Too bad this sounds more like a Piss Erection.

Test Icicles- For Screening Purposes Only

Bands just stopped even trying to name themselves. But luckily the sophmoric band name preps you for sophmoric punk rock. There are two dancable tracks (Dancing on Pegs [not surprsingly] and Circle Square Triangle) and the rest is pretty useless.

So really nothing great has come out recently. The Belle and Sebastian is not bad, it could be grow on me, but the rest of this stuff blows.