Wednesday, September 03, 2008

'Palin' in Comparison?

I love the McCain picked Sarah Palin for his VP pick. It's remarkably dumb... I mean Maverick-y! The reaction to all of this has been splendid. At first I was totally worried she would help McCain-- and she might-- with the idiot wing of his party. But it's clear that she will only help him there. Obama's already seeing a crazy bounce in the polls. Sure some of it is due to the Democratic convention but the polls are also showing the news of Palin being absurd.

McCain is angry of course. The Daily Intelligencer sums this up well:
Let's walk through this: Palin's family is an integral part of her "story" — the Iraq-bound son, the decision to keep the baby with Down Syndrome — but when the media reported that 17-year-old Bristol Palin was pregnant, it was accused of violating a private family matter. Palin's tenure as the head of Alaska's National Guard was propped up as part of her national security experience, but when Campbell Brown pestered McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds to come up with one decision Palin made in that role (he couldn't), the McCain campaign canceled an appearance with Larry King and told CNN the Brown interview was "over the line." When the Obama campaign criticized Palin's lack of experience, Carly Fiorina warned them that "sexist treatment" wouldn't be tolerated by "American women." And when reports trickled from liberal blogs into the mainstream media that Palin and her husband had connections to a secession-minded Alaskan political party, the McCain campaign accused "supporters of Barack Obama" of "an unfortunate and nasty smear campaign." In other words, the McCain campaign springs a complete unknown onto the national stage and then asks the media not to vet her any more thoroughly than the campaign did itself.
I couldn't agree more with the idea that attacking her family is fine because of the first part of this quote. McCain loved shoving her family in the spotlight, but once it's revealed that her 17 year old daughter is having an "illegitimate" child, that's totally off limits. Fuck you, seriously. Gays can't marry because we'll warp kids? How about Christians be banned from marrying because they have rule-bending, slutty, anal-sex loving children?

Anyway, I think there is a good chance Palin will get the boot. McCain wanted Lieberman or Tom Ridge in the first place. And if her speech tonight is a disappointment, she's out. However, I do not see it as at all likely that Palin will volunteer to drop the campaign. She knew her daughter was pregnant before being picked. Did she really think this wouldn't be an issue? And if she knew she was pregnant, why did she insist on emphasizing her family values? It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see how that would undercut her appeal. As everything has indicated so far, this woman is interested in more power and keeping a stranglehold on it. Even at the expense of her own family.

Those are family values I want in the White House!

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At 2:16 PM, Blogger amycita said...

i feel really sorry for the 17-year-old because:

1. there's very little doubt in my mind that she never had a chance to learn how to use contraceptives (much less access to them);

2. obviously abortion is completely out of the question for this poor girl, so she's eternally stuck with the kid she accidentally created at 17;

3. her parents are forcing her to marry the idiot who knocked her up in order to keep her mom's political career in tact.

these are also the reasons i wish the media would leave this one alone. bristol palin didn't ask for any of this shit. if we could keep our video cameras out of her vagina she might have at least had a chance to give the unwanted baby up for adoption, thereby relieving her of the responsibilities of parenthood and marriage at 17. i have no sympathy for sarah palin whatsoever, but i think this media circus is too high a price to pay for a 17-year-old just because she had unprotected sex. i mean, who doesn't do stupid shit like that at 17?

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Douglas@ said...

I agree that it's unfortunate for Bristol Palin. She made a mistake that many many people do and it has a lot to do with her dumb-shit mother who probably told her condoms don't work. I agree too that Bristol as a person shouldn't be attacked. She should be left alone (and I think so should the baby's daddy).

But I think you can judge Sarah Palin by the things her family does when she makes a point of stripping other families of their rights. I'm not judging Bristol, I'm judging Sarah and the presumption that she knows best.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm all for TV cameras in vaginas, even 17 year old Alaskan vaginas.


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