Friday, December 30, 2005

2005: Year in Review, Part 2

Musically, 2005 was really a step forward for music that sounds exactly like it is from 1984.  This being said, my pick for the best album of the year would be Wolf Parade: Apologies for Queen Mary.  This is a really amazing piece of work and it's the only album that came out this year that I could pretty much listen to all the way through (minus the first track).  So, if you haven't heard it, go listen to it.  It's delightful.

But no one really cares about my musical opinion.  What is better, though, is my hypothetical musical opinion.  So here is the Top 10 Albums I Would Have Really Liked in 2005:

10. Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine
I honestly don't have anything against Fiona Apple, but I am not a rape victim or an anorexic, so I've never really been drawn to Fiona Apple.

9. Out Hud – Let Us Never Speak of It Again
Actually, I listened to this a couple of times and I just wanted to include it because I think this is one of the worst albums I've ever heard.  Out Hud is mind numbing and bad.  It's a good to dance to if you are really fucked up and just went harpooning for your ear drums with needles.

8. Silver Jews - The Tanglewood Numbers
This has Stephen Malkmus in it, so I should have loved it.  But I'm just so anti-Semitic.

7. Animal Collective - Feels
I listened to this once and I decided it was not for me.  But if I was a man of aural endurance, I could have forced myself to change my tastes and used my knowledge of this album to impress skinny indie rock boys into letting me fist them.

6. The Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree
The only reason I could think of why I would have really liked this album is that it has an animal in it's name and I like Wolf Parade, Modest Mouse and the Unicorns.

5. Tom Vek: We Have Sound
I never listened to this because no Torrent file could be found and I'm broke.  However, iTunes Music Store had clips, of course, and this sounded very Nintendo-ey.  Which is fine for a Nintendo.

4. The Decemberists- Picaresque
I just downloaded this, since BitTorrent was not being forth coming (again) with it until last week, so maybe I could still squeeze it in before the end of the year.  But if not, I'm sure I would have liked it considering EVERYONE name dropped it.

3. The Clientele- Strange Geometry
I tried to listen to it but everyone describe it as psychedelic and heavily melodic.  Which sounds well and good, but I already have all of the Flaming Lips albums'.

2. Deerhoof- Four Runners
I could really see this in my collection, but mostly because the album cover looks suspiciously like the Wolf Parade cover:

1. Art Brut:  Bang Bang Rock & Roll
Again, I did actually listen to this once.  After one go around, though, I was not impressed.  I probably should have listened to it again considering I was told to love it by every music website, specifically Lord Pitchfork with reviews so glowing they must be trying to rectally slide the CD inside themselves:
"See if you can follow this: Art Brut, through their thoroughly unpretentious embrace of pretentiousness, are the most punk new band I've heard in years, punk having lost itself long ago to the pretentiousness of unpretentiousness."
Shut up.


At 9:57 AM, Blogger adam said...

try listening to feels again. it's probably their most melodious album yet. there's yelping and shit, but this time it's well-placed and welcoming yelping. i'm not doubting you, but, i mean, did you listen to "grass"?!

the mountain goats are boring.

the decemberists are boring and lame.

deerhoof is the opposite of boring, so, i guess, exciting.


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