Friday, December 02, 2005

Brooklyn Bars

Seeing as the (L) trian shuts down past Lorimer this weekend, all weekend, it seems like I should once again point out the superiority of Brooklyn Bars vs. Manhattan Bars.  Now, obviously, I'm biased since there will be six weekends were I really don't have a choice in terms of staying in Brooklyn (and i'm not braving the walk down Flushing to the (J) train again).

So first of all, Brooklyn Bars have deals.  There is of course Capones and the Alligator Lounge which not only have reasonably priced beer but free pizza.  I seriosuly doubt Luke & Leroys gives you anything free besides herpes.
I must stress, though, that it is just flat out cheaper in Brooklyn.  Beer still runs around $4 to $5 and there is always the optional PBR which can run as low as $3.  Now consider that Rififi and Lit raised their prices recently and there really is no reason to deal with the dick doormen at these bars.

The most important thing, though, is that Manhattan is crushing under the weight of New Jersey.
Places that were once fun are now shitty, like Lit.  Supreme Trading seems like it could eventually take over what Lit once was, assuming they get a DJ who will play different songs from week to week.  And Rififi was fun for a while but don't expect to start dancing anytime soon.  The East Village IS NOT A SECRET ANYMORE and has sucked in all of the people who normally would have hung out on Bleeker Street.  That means lots of button up white shirts with jeans and any number of items from Mexx.  And to top it all off, there is a slightly-less-creepy-than-Manhattan-gay-bars bar in Brooklyn: The Metropolitan.


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