Thursday, December 29, 2005

2005: Year In Review

2005 was a really important year.  Why?  Because this year painful, non-caring ass fucking become mainstream.  The Movie of the Year (Brokeback Mountain) featured a beautifully filmed and emotionally moving scene of Heath Ledger spitting on his dick and jamming it into Jake Gyllenhaal ass.  There was no kissing, just Jake grunting as Heath drunk-fucked his anus.

Now, not to create too many mental images, but this is frighteningly similar to my ex boyfriend, Kevin (Boyfriend of Year [the default since he was the only boyfriend this year]).   While we never allowed barebacking or spit lubing, Kevin was very fond of drinking to the point of getting more stupid than he already was ( Dumbass of the Year), getting super horny (Rim-Jobber of the Year), and trying to force his penis in me (Pseudo-Rapist of the Year ).  While this could be fun, unfortunately Kevin was so completely and utterly self-absorbed (Drama Queen of the Year, Egotist of the Year, Man-Child of the Year) that it never occurred to him that his pleasure would be causing me the most HORRIBLE pain.  Especially when he wouldn't ask first or even check to make sure "systems are go."

However, painfully getting anally fucked was also on display on the news media.  After Hurricane Katrina, the public was inundated with images of how Bush (Asshole of the Year ) is like a drunk painfully fucking the poor and the black over and over again.

2005: Way to go anal.


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