Tuesday, December 06, 2005

LAMBDA to Sodomize Oklahoma Marriage Ban

I will never move back to Oklahoma.  There are a number of reasons for this but my favorite one is that about 76% of Oklahomans voted for the gay marriage ban that not only banned gay marriage but also banned gay adoption, civil unions AND made it a misdemeanor to issue a marriage liscense to same-sex couples.

"parental rights are given exceptional deference in U.S. constitutional law, and considered fundamental. Any law that burdens parental authority must theoretically be justified by a compelling state interest. Oklahoma's House Media Division explained that passing the ban on recognizing gay adoptive families would "protect Oklahoma children from being targeted for adoption by gay couples across the nation," and "ensure that children are raised in traditional family environments."

Lawsuit targets Okla. anti-gay adoption law (Gay.com)


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