Tuesday, October 10, 2006

God, Gays, Abortion and AIDS: Things to Avoid in Oklahoma

Some people ask me why I am the way I am. Not that anyone has actually done that, but if they did take the time to really think about me, they might ask such questions as "Why are you so sarcastic" and "Why are you so hostile to religion, especially Christians." Well, part of the reason is growing up in a part of the country that is too stupid to be in the South, too blad to be in the Midwest and too desolate to be in the Southwest: Oklahoma.

Oooooohh-klahoma, is where the ignorance goes sweeping down the plains. Case in point, this little nugget of amazing I copied from an old VHS tape I found while cleaning out my childhood house in Oklahoma. This show, Fire By Night, proselytized to anyone up past 1:00 am-- stoners, drunks and nerds-- to follow Jesus. It was geared for the "Teens" and meant to teach us how to act Christ-like. It gave practical advice through an amazing segment called Family First. And Jesus Christ, would Jesus Christ be proud.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: